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Around the world, more than seven million people suffer from a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) every year with no warning. Only 5-10% of these people survive.

Having essential first responder solutions such as Defibrillators along with First Aid, Trauma, Bleed Control is all essential towards helping to reduce preventable deaths and improve patient outcomes.

Make sure your workplace or community has access to defibrillators and other first responder treatment aids, whilst ensuring individuals are trained to use these effectively by downloading our helpful guide that covers the following:

  • The causes, the signs and impact of SCA.
  • How to perform CPR and use a defibrillator.
  • Why you should have a defibrillator in your workplace, where they should be located and how they can be maintained.
  • Introducing you to our portable and mobile trauma solutions.
  • How to perform a risk assessment.
  • Certificated defibrillator and CPR training courses.

For more vital information on how to save someone's life, fill in the form above to download our free "How To Save A Life" guide.